August Bank Holiday Saturday

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Competitive Sections

Since 1885, Poynton Show has been bringing the best of local agriculture and Horticulture to our visitors. 

Competitive Sections Categories

Schedules and Entry Forms can be found within each section’s page, please download the form and send it back asap


Creative Hobbies


All exhibitors should comply with the requirements set out in the Health and Safety Policy,
organisation and arrangements of the Poynton Horticultural & Agricultural Society. Copies of
this policy may be obtained from the Society Secretary and will be displayed in the Show Office
prior to and during the Show.

Specifically all exhibitors are required to maintain their exhibits/areas in such a manner so as to
comply with current Health and Safety Regulations and guidance, and to ensure that their
activities do not endanger themselves, other exhibitors or members of the general public.
Further specific advice and guidance is available via the Show’s Honorary Health and Safety
Officer, who may be contacted via the Show Office


All entries are subject to the general conditions of entry of Poynton Horticultural and
Agricultural Society and special conditions applicable in the schedule.


Exhibitors must not arrive earlier than 12 midnight on the eve of the show and must park in the designated area.